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Turn /Tuhn Up Ramen Recipe

-Mise en place: Sauce pot, frying pan, silicone spatula or wooden spoon, large slotted spoon,  fork/spoon silverware,sous cup, 2 small deli containers, vegetable scraper, knives, kitchen shears, bench scraper,cutting board, grater, colander, pot holder, eating vessel, recipe Ingredients 

-Prep Time: 30 minutes 

-Servings: 1

  • Any vegetable broth based Ramen noodle package/bowl

    A variety of your favorite vegetables diced to your preference( carrots/broccoli/cauliflower/ snow peas/bok Choy/corn/bean sprouts/onions)

    • Sliced Mushrooms (any variety)

    • Fresh or dried Cilantro

    • Fresh Mint leaves

    • Seaweed snacks

    • Powder Seasonings (garlic/onion/chili/white pepper/cayenne)

    • Liquid aminos or lite soy sauce

    • Oil

    • French Fried onions or crispy wontons

  • (Save all vegetable ends into a Ziploc except for greens to make broth)

    • Pluck a few mint & cilantro leaves from the stalk right into a sous cup.

    • Pluck the stems off the mushroom caps (save stems in a ziploc bag), place shroom caps in a bowl.

    • Manicure all vegetables (use your bench scraper and transfer them into a colander) (place bean sprouts/snow peas in separate container) (place corn in sous cup)

    • Take everything except corn to the sink. Wash, & dry fresh herbs with paper towels. Wash shroom caps, leave in the bowl and pat them dry with paper towel. Wash all veggies and shake colander to remove excess water. Wash knife and cutting board/clean area if necessary.

    • Take both herbs and roll them together like cigar, give them a rough chop (transfer back to sous cup and set to the side of your mise en place)

    • Slice shrooms and transfer back into container

    • Dice all veggies to your liking (small dice is best) (you may want to use shredded carrots) transfer back to strainer

    • Fill sauce pot with cold water and set it on the stove, do not turn the fire on just yet. (Make sure to use enough water to submerge the noodles).

    • Place frying pan on an opposite stove burner and fill the bottom of the pan with a shallow amount of oil, then turn the fire onto a medium-high setting

    • When oil is hot, place your shrooms into the pot. After a few minutes, sprinkle dry seasonings on both sides of shrooms

    • Give your colander of veggies a final shake over the sink, proceed to toss them into the skillet of shrooms. Shimmy the pan for a second or two and allow everything to sear, stirring every 2 minutes.

    • When veggies begin to change color, turn the fire on high for your pot of water. Sprinkle dry seasonings into pan with shrooms & veggies then drizzle with aminos or soy sauce and stir.

    • Taste test your Veggies, they should only be cooked a few minutes and still be crunchy. Turn fire down to lowest temperature.

      Once water begins to boil, place noodles in water and monitor them, taste test noodles at the 2 ½ -3 minute mark. When cooked turn off both fires.

    • Place half the broth packet contents into your eating vessel and use slotted spoon to scoop noodles out of water into vessel.

    • Decide how much soup broth you desire. You may have to use the slotted spoon to drain some water into the sink leaving the rest for your bowl

    • Stir noodles and broth water and adjust broth seasoning amount if desired

    • Use slotted spoon to scoop stir fried veggies out of pan and gently place on top of brothed noodles

    • Sprinkle French fried onions on top

    • Garnish with cilantro, mint and 1 or 2 seaweed pieces

    • Dig in with a spoon and a fork/chopsticks.
